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Salesforce for Miro

Salesforce for Miro will help you effortlessly visualize, plan, and manage Salesforce objects as cards in Miro. Collaborate with your team members across both platforms easily.

Key features

  • Import Salesforce objects as app cards

  • Update records directly on Miro

  • Automatic data sync

  • Pasting Salesforce object URL

Installing Salesforce for Miro

  1. Go to Miro Marketplace and search for “Salesforce for Miro”.

  2. Select the app and click Connect.

  3. Select the team of your choice from the dropdown menu and click Add.

Authorizing Salesforce for Miro

Here’s how to authorize the connection between your Miro and Salesforce accounts:

  1. Open your Miro board.

  2. On the toolbar, click More apps > select or search for Salesforce for Miro.

  3. Allow permissions for the 'Salesforce for Miro' app by toggling Enable.

  4. Tick the checkbox and click I accept to allow the app’s request permissions.

  5. Click the Take me to Salesforce button to log into your account.

  6. Enter your username and password on the Salesforce login screen, then click Log In.

  7. The app will request permission to access your Salesforce data. Click Allow.

  8. Upon successful authentication, the system will redirect you back to Miro.

  9. By default, you will be on the Import tab of the app.


That’s it! The setup is completed.

The he Custom objects feature is not available yet, we are working on it! Look forward to:

  • Importing custom Salesforce objects in your Miro board

Click Share process to share your use case on why these features would be helpful to your team.

Using Salesforce for Miro templates

Discover how to use Salesforce with Miro effectively in your day-to-day with our Miroverse template. For a deeper understanding, explore our Creating an account plan guide.

  1. Open the Salesforce for Miro app in your Miro board.

  2. Click on the Template tab.

  3. Click on Sales account planning template.

Importing records from Salesforce

You can import records from Salesforce to use as App cards in Miro. There are two ways to achieve this.

Copy and paste links from Salesforce to Miro to create App cards on the spot!


Importing Salesforce records in bulk

Select and bulk import accounts, contacts, opportunities, and leads to your Miro.

  1. Open the app from the side panel.

  2. Select the object type you want to import.

    • Account

    • Contact

    • Opportunity

    • Lead

  3. In this example, we will select Account.

  4. Perform the following actions in this window:

    1. To search for all accounts or a specific account, click the magnifying glass button or type the account name directly.
      You can search using the Salesforce-supported field type:

      1. In the image above, “Account name” is selected by default. Click on the dropdown menu and choose Other.

      2. This will open a secondary dropdown menu that lists all fields under the object.
        (info) Read this knowledge base article to learn about the supported field types for the new Salesforce fields.

    2. Tick the checkbox for the account records that you want.

    3. Click Import to import your records into App cards.

      (info) The number of imported records will be shown within the Import button.

  5. Perform the same steps for Contact, Opportunity, and Lead objects.


Importing opportunities or contacts from an account app card

If your account has several opportunities or contacts, you can import them as App cards in Miro as shown in the image below:

  1. Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Account app card and click the expand button. Then, click on the Contact or Opportunities tab. (In this example, we select Opportunities.)

    2. Select the opportunity records to import.

    3. Click Import to import your selection. Your opportunities will now appear as app cards. Follow the same steps to import contacts from an account.

Viewing the app card information

You can expand the app card to view more information on the Salesforce object in Miro.

  1. Hover on the card and click the expand button on the top right to reveal the additional fields associated with the card.

  2. Click View in Salesforce to open the app card’s information in Salesforce.

Editing and updating the app card

Experience the seamless and instantaneous, two-way sync feature of the app card:

  • The app card will reflect any edits and updates made in Miro to Salesforce.

  • If the app card is in an active Miro board, Miro will reflect any changes made to Salesforce.

  1. Hover on the card and click the expand button to view the details.

  2. Click Edit to enter edit mode.

  3. Once you have updated the card, complete the action by clicking Update.


Customizing app card layout

This feature lets users customize their app card view by selecting preferred columns and editing specific fields directly.

  1. Open the app from the side panel.

  2. Click the gear icon (⚙) to access Settings.

  3. Click on the Display > App card details.

  4. Select a Salesforce object to customize.

  5. In the App card details display, there are two sections:

    1. Fields list: The user can search for the field by the field’s name or select from the fields list(organized in alphabetical order)

    2. Live preview: The Salesforce for Miro app sets the default displayed fields. The live preview will reflect those changes if the user has previously customized the fields.

  6. You can drag and drop fields from the fields list and arrange them in the live preview.

The maximum amount of fields that can be displayed in the live preview is 20.

  1. Click Save to confirm the app card layout customization. A window will appear to confirm your decision. Click Yes.

You may encounter “Out-of-sync field detected.” messages. An out-of-sync field is a field missing in the objects (e.g., a field deleted by the Salesforce Admin in the connected Salesforce instance).

You can still save the app card layout with these missing fields.

  1. Upon successful confirmation, you’ll receive a success message indicating the changes have been applied.

  2. If you click Restore default settings, the fields display will be reverted to the Salesforce for Miro default app card layout.

Check out our knowledge base to learn which field types are supported in the app card layout.

Account mapping

To complete the account mapping, follow the steps detailed in these four sections:

1. Creating an account map custom field in Salesforce
2. Adding Visualforce code
3. Editing account page layout
4. Linking account map to Salesforce

The account mapping feature allows you to link the account map on Miro to a Salesforce Account. This link can be viewed natively on the Salesforce platform.

  1. Open the app from the side panel.

  2. Click on the Account map tab and click Continue.

  3. You will be requested to set up the following in your Salesforce instance to link your account map:

    1. Create a custom field named MiroAccountMap under the Account object

    2. Add Visualforce code

    3. Edit account page layout

Refer to the sections below for a detailed guide on linking and configuring the account map feature between Salesforce and Miro.

Creating an account map custom field in Salesforce

  1. Log in to your Salesforce account.

  2. Click Object Manager > Account > Fields & Relationships.

  3. Click on the New button and select the URL radio button. Click Next to proceed.

  4. Enter the following in the required fields:

    1. Field Label: Input “MiroAccountMap”

    2. Field Name: Input “MiroAccountMap”

  5. You can fill in the “Description”, this is optional. Click Next to proceed.

  6. Confirm the default field-level security. Click Next to proceed.

  7. Select the page layout names based on your requirements. Click Save to complete.

Adding Visualforce code

  1. Click the gear icon () on the navigation bar and select Setup.

  2. In the Quick Find search bar, search for “Visualforce Pages”. Click on Visualforce Pages.

  3. Click New and enter the following in the required fields:
    (info) The information below is a suggestion only. Name the fields with your desired choice.

    1. Label: sfm_account_map

    2. Name: sfm_account_map

  4. Check the “Available for Lightning Experience, Experience Builder sites, and the mobile app” checkbox.

If this option is not checked, the Visualforce page created cannot be added as a component during the page layout edit.

  1. In the Visualforce Markup tab, paste the following code:

    <apex:page standardController="Account" readOnly="true">
        <apex:iframe src="{!account.MiroAccountMap__c}" scrolling="false" id="miroembed"/>
        <script>document.getElementById('miroembed').height = window.innerHeight - 30;</script>

In the second line of the code, “{!account.MiroAccountMap__c}” refers to the field name created in step 4 of Creating an account map custom field in Salesforce.

  1. Click Save to complete the configuration.

  2. Enable Visualforce Pages for user profiles that currently don’t have access. For more information, refer to the documentation: Salesforce | Make Visualforce Pages Visible to Users.

Editing account page layout

  1. Click on the App Launcher > search and click Sales.

  2. In the Sales top navigation bar, click on the Accounts tab.

  3. Search for an account using the “Search this list…” search bar. Click on an account of your choice.

  4. Next, click the gear icon () on the navigation bar and select Edit Page.

  5. Perform the following steps:

    1. Click on the middle section.

    2. On the Tabs modal, click Add Tab. Next, in the Tab Label dropdown, choose Custom. Name the tab in the Custom Label field and click Done to complete the tab creation.
      The tab will now appear in the middle section. In this example, it is named “Account Map (Miro).”

    3. In the Components tab panel, search for “Visualforce” and drag the result to the middle section.

  6. Click Save at the top right of the page and click Back at the top left of the page. You will return to the Accounts page. The newly created tab with the VisualForce component should be visible now.

If the tab is not visible in the Account page layout, you may have to activate the page. Refer to this guide: Activate Your Lightning App Page.

Linking account map to Salesforce

  1. Return to the Salesforce for Miro app. Click Refresh and the screen will change to the account map interface.

You only have to click Refresh once, the next time you open the Account map, it will take you directly to the account map linking screen.

  1. There are two methods to select the account app card. You can either:

    1. Click on the account app card from the Miro canvas or

    2. Click Search account to open the search modal and search for your desired account.


Suppose the app detects that the selected account already has an existing account map linked in Salesforce. In that case, an inline warning message will inform you that continuing will overwrite the existing account map.

You can either:

  • Change your account selection

  • Overwrite the existing account map

  1. Select the frame containing the account map. The name of the frame will then appear in the input field.

  1. Click the Link account map button to complete the account mapping. A successful mapping action will result in the message shown in the screenshot below:

  1. You can now either:

    1. Click View in Salesforce to be directed to the linked account map in Salesforce (opens in a new tab).

    2. Click Link another account map to be directed back to the Account map tab, where you can repeat the process.

Disconnecting from Salesforce

You can disconnect the existing Salesforce connection and connect to a new Salesforce environment.

  1. Open the Salesforce for Miro app from the toolbar.

  2. Click the gear icon (⚙) to access Settings.

  3. Click Disconnect to end the connection between Salesforce and Miro.

Security statement

ServiceRocket is committed to the protection and security of our customers' information. Learn more about Salesforce for Miro’s security practices in our security statement.

Knowledge base

Have questions? Check out our knowledge base for quick answers and helpful tips!

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