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Security statement


This page explains how we prioritize and manage your data security and privacy, including our protocols for data transfer, access, and compliance with industry standards. For more details on ServiceRocket's cloud products, read our terms of service.


We prioritize your data security and privacy. Here’s how we handle your information:

  • Salesforce for Miro facilitates the transfer and synchronization of data between Salesforce and Miro using an intermediary server owned by ServiceRocket at and They are securely hosted on AWS infrastructure.

  • The data you pull from Salesforce for Miro is the only data that is accessed (data is processed but not written to disk) and transferred.

  • Access to Salesforce objects is limited to those configured by the Salesforce administrator.

  • All processed data is encrypted, HTTPS and JWT are employed for user validation.


  • Salesforce for Miro uses OAuth 2.0 as the authorization framework to allow access to resources on Salesforce securely.

  • We securely authenticate connections to Salesforce and Miro.

  • We never store any Salesforce or Miro data on our servers except for authentication credentials.

  • We track users’ activities to enhance their experience.


To get the most recent information on the security, privacy, and compliance of our products and services, review ServiceRocket Legal Documents. Click the links below to learn more:

Additionally, we are SOC2 Type 2 compliant. You may request a copy of our SOC2 Report by contacting us at

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