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Release notes

5 September 2024


  • The Account app card now reflects the actual account status. You can easily view whether an account is active or inactive at a glance.

4 September 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the margins of the back button in the board activation modal.
  • Fixed incorrect loading states after clicking "Activate board" CTA in board activation modal.

3 September 2024


  • We've made some improvements to our user analytics.

New features

  • We’ve added the ability to import Lead objects to your Miro board. You can now effortlessly bring in your leads, view their details, and organize them visually on your board.

28 August 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to import when board usage limit was reached.

27 August 2024


  • We've made some improvements to our user analytics.
  • Added a checkpoint to confirm board activation before importing appcards.

23 August 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where Opportunities were not displayed accurately in the Contact app card.

22 August 2024

New Features

  • The board status is now available on the Settings page.

21 August 2024


  • You can now provide us feedback about the Account Map feature in the app.

19 August 2024


  • We have patched security vulnerabilities in the app.

16 August 2024


  • We've improved the performance of the app card import modal, form and detail listing.

7 August 2024


  • We have patched a security vulnerability in the app.

5 August 2024

Introducing Salesforce for Miro's new tiered plans. Choose the right plan based on the number of boards that you need.

You can subscribe to any of these plans at any time through app settings. For more information, please visit our pricing page.

09 July 2024


  • We've improved the app panel to handle smaller screen resolutions.

28 June 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed long toast messages extending behind the buttons in the app card details.

26 June 2024


  • We've updated the application's dependencies.
  • We've improved our user analytics.

24 June 2024

New Features

  • You can now view related Opportunities in the Contact app card.

19 June 2024


  • We have patched a security vulnerability in the app.

13 June 2024


  • We have patched a security vulnerability in the app.

12 June 2024


  • We have improved app card imports to be asynchronous and organised in a grid format.

11 June 2024

New Features
  • We've added the ability for users to modify the fields directly within the Contact app card.

10 June 2024


  • You can now click on the Contact Support icon and link in the Main Menu and Settings page respectively to navigate to our customer support portal.
Bug Fixes
  • Resolved an issue where searching for Accounts would result in errors if Industry and Annual Revenue fields are not available.

06 June 2024


  • You can now search for Salesforce records by Owner name in the import modal.

05 June 2024

  • We've temporarily removed the app card usage metrics.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the calendar icon to be misaligned when editing an Opportunity app card.
Bug Fixes
  • Resolved an issue in the App Card detail view where selected table rows were not reflected correctly across different tabs.

30 May 2024

Salesforce for Miro (Preview) is now available on Miro Marketplace!
  • Don't miss out on our exclusive preview release! We're offering a special high limit of 200 app cards so you can fully experience all the exciting features of our new app. Install now and be among the first to enjoy!
  • We've added the ability for users to enroll into our Preview Program to help us gather more feedback. Acceptance of preview license agreement is required during the preview period.
  • We've temporarily disabled a few subscription-related features to prepare for the upcoming preview release.

29 May 2024

New Features
  • We have introduced a new feature to allow importing Contacts and Opportunities from an Account app card.

28 May 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with import app card logic to improve performance that previously cause slow import times

27 May 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue with authentication endpoints returning incorrect HTTP responses.

24 May 2024

New Features
  • We've added the ability for users to modify the Account field directly within the Opportunity app card.
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