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Configuring email settings

Setting the sender's name

  1. Type the sender name in the field under Sender Configuration. Your customers will receive emails from the sender name that you have configured.

Configuring performance email notifications

  1. Under the Performance notifications section, insert the name or email address of the users that you want to notify.   

  2. The users are listed with their name, email address, and choice of notifications.

  3. If the Survey filled checkbox is ticked, you will receive an email notification detailing the survey response when a customer fills out the survey.

  4. If the Low score checkbox is ticked, every time the NPS score of a survey goes below 6 (5 or less), an internal comment is added to the issue with your user mentioned.

  5. The users listed in the Performance notifications section will be added as watchers on the issue.

Setting survey reply reminders

  1. Enable the toggle for Send reminder under the Survey reply reminders section. A reminder email will be sent to the user who leaves the survey unanswered.

  2. You can set when the survey reminder email should be triggered.

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