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Configuring SMTP server properties

This is a global configuration. By integrating an SMTP server, all surveys sent from the Atlassian instance, regardless of the project, will be dispatched through the same SMTP server.

  1. In JSM, click Apps > Manage Apps.

  2. In the left sidebar, scroll to Surveys for JSM and click SMTP connection.

  3. You can enable or disable the SMTP connection without deleting the server properties by switching the Enable SMTP toggle.

  4. Fill in the following server properties to connect to the SMTP server:

    1. SMTP server name - Enter the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server.

    2. SMTP port - (Optional) Enter the port number or leave it blank.

    3. Username - Enter the username to authenticate with the SMTP server.

    4. Password - Enter the password to authenticate with the SMTP server.

    5. From email - Enter the email used as the sender’s email address.

    6. Encryption - Check this if the mail server requires encryption security. Choose from (TLS, SLL, or no encryption).

  5. Click Test Connection to test your connection. You will receive a success message confirming the connection.

  6. Click Save changes to build your connection.

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