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Adding or removing viewers

You can select who can add, remove and update secrets.


  • To manage a user's level of access, you can assign them a role
  • A secret can have zero Secret Viewers. However, it must have at least one Secret Editor.
  • It is not possible to remove yourself if you are the last Secret Editor.

Adding a viewer

  1. Navigate to the left sidebar of the template and select Secret Page. There, scroll down until you see the Secret Table section.
  2. Look for the secret you want to add viewers to. Click Manage Secret > Add Viewer
  3. Go to Step 1: Select user and click on the avatar icon to bring up the search bar.

  4. Type the name of the person you want to make a viewer, then click Add viewer.

Removing a viewer

  1. Navigate to the left sidebar of the template and select Secret Page. There, scroll down until you see the Secret Table section. Select Manage Secret.
  2. Go to Step 1: Select user and click on the avatar icon. This will bring up a search bar.
  3. Type the name of the user to remove or select it from the drop-down menu. Click Remove viewer.

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