The survey bot is not posting comments and survey links
I have configured the app but the bot is not posting any comments or survey links after the tickets are resolved.
JIRA Cloud
Diagnostics Steps
The survey bot does not post a comment after the ticket is resolved.
Automation may not post comments caused by the Jira instance not meeting some key prerequisites that prevent automation from working.
Another possibility is that the automation itself is not configured correctly.
Ensure automation prerequisites are met
As noted on the Setting up the survey automation page under "Prerequisites", automation will only work with these conditions:
Issues are on JSM cloud instances.
Issues have a valid request type.
A Jira issue key must be used for validating the automation. You can use any Jira issue or create a test/dummy issue as it is only being used for validation.
Ensure automation is properly configured
Referring again to the Setting up the survey automation page under "Survey workflow configuration steps":
Ensure the automation URL is correct.
Ensure the trigger is correct for your workflow.
Use the app's validation feature to ensure web requests are working.