Customer experience is the gold standard of the service industry, tracking and analyzing customer experience is core to business growth. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) report allows you to measure your customers' overall experience with the service you have provided.
Report type
Gauge chart, bar chart, and trend line graph
Gauge chart metrics
The total score based on the average score of the accumulated survey answers received.
The set goal of the team to measure the individual's/team's performance.
The total number of surveys answered by the customers.
The number and percentage of survey responses where customers are satisfied and engaged.
The number and percentage of survey responses where customers are satisfied but not fully engaged.
The number and percentage of survey responses where customers are unsatisfied.
Responses by score metrics
The specific score given by the customer for a Jira Service Management survey.
Number of responses
The total number of responses with the same score.
Score trend line metrics
The total score accumulated over a specific duration.
The total number of responses received on a specific duration.
You would like to know the NPS (Net Promoter Score) of a service desk agent in a specific timeline.
Go to Projects > Choose your Service Management project > Surveys report
Configure the survey parameters with the following details, the page will load the results automatically:
Assignee - Choose a specific assignee to view their performance or choose all of the assignees to view the performance as a team.
Question - Choose the NPS option.
Survey Responded - Set the duration for when a survey is responded to and collected.
The results and scores will be depicted in charts and graphs. The Responses section will include all issues used to tabulate the data.
You can export the data in the following ways:
Export:This will export the data as seen in the survey report screen. This option will only export the current scale.
Export All: This will export all data, regardless of the scale, for the selected timeframe.
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