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What apps integrate with Autodesk for Miro?

Autodesk offers numerous products and services. For some, like Fusion 360, Autodesk for Miro works out of the box. For others, a custom integration is required. Refer to our documentation, Authorizing Autodesk for Miro, for setup instructions.

The table below lists the apps that do or do not need custom integration with Autodesk for Miro.

Symbol guide:

(tick) Compatible

(error) Not compatible

⚠️ Compatibility dependent on some conditions. Refer to the notes column for more information.

Autodesk products

AFM compatible

Custom integration


Fusion 360


Not required

BIM 360



AutoCAD Web



Partially compatible when Autodesk Doc added as a source

Revit Cloud



Partially compatible when Autodesk Doc added as a source

Autodesk Worksharing



Flow Production Tracking (formerly known as Shotgun)



Not tested

Autodesk Docs



3ds Max Interactive



3ds Max Interactive was discontinued as of March 30, 2022 and is no longer available for download. However, we believe that it can be integrated with Autodesk Docs.

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