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Managing tags

This guide will explain the ways you can manage the tags in your doc.  


  • You are working on a copy of the Security and Encryption for Coda template. ((info)Use the steps at Quick start to create a copy of this template)
  • You have editing access to the document.


Right click to bring up additional options to manipulate the Tags Table, such as duplicate a row, add a comment, insert a row, and more.


  1. Select the Manage Tags page from the left sidebar. Alternatively, you can also click Secret Page > Go to manage tags in the page's navigation section.
  2. You will see a list of tags used on the doc in the Tags Table.
  3. To add a new tag, click the + symbol at the end of the table. You can also add a tag while creating a secret.
  4. To rename a tag, click the tag name of the tag you'd like to rename.  

  5. To rearrange the rows on the table, click the row heading, and drag it to where you want it to be.
  6. To delete a tag, right click and select Delete row.

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