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Product end of life

Stay informed with up-to-date information about our product lifecycle statuses and scheduled shelf dates. We will keep updating this page to ensure you have the latest details.

6 August 2024

End of Beta for Automatic Issue Links for Jira

Please note that Automatic Issue Links for Jira will be discontinued as of 30th August 2024 after which the app will be removed from the Atlassian Marketplace and no longer function. We thank you all the current users for your understanding and support.

10 May 2024

End of Beta for Connector for Venafi and JSM

Please note that the Beta for this app will conclude on 31 May 2024, after which the app will be removed from the Atlassian Marketplace and no longer function. We thank all current users for their support.

End of Beta for Sentiment Analysis for JSM

Please note that the Beta for this app will conclude on 31 May 2024, after which the app will be removed from the Atlassian Marketplace and no longer function. We thank all current users for their support.

End of Beta for Support Dashboards and Reports for JSM

Please note that the Beta for this app will conclude on 31 May 2024, after which the app will be removed from the Atlassian Marketplace and no longer function. We thank all current users for their support.

Retirement of Attendance Taker for Classroom

Please note that this app will be retired from Google Workplace Marketplace on 31 May 2024, as we focus on enhancing our core product suite. The app will be removed from both marketplaces and will no longer function after this date. We thank all current users for their support.

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