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Configure policies for proxy

Custom policy is a premium feature and is not available on the default version of the app. To unlock this feature, please contact ServiceRocket Support for assistance..

Jira administrators can manage and configure policies that dictate how the proxy handles incoming requests.

Viewing policies

  1. Navigate to Jira top menu Settings (⚙️)> Apps > Forge Observability API Proxy.

  2. Click Policies on the left sidebar, and then ensure you are on the Policies tab.

  3. Click View JSON to see the configuration details.

  4. Here, you can review the policies that dictate how the proxy handles incoming requests. The structure of these policies aligns with the JSON Rules Engine format (rules documentation).

To create new policies

To add the proxy policies, you must upload a JSON file defining the rules and actions for handling requests.

  1. Start by clicking the ☁️ Upload button.

  2. A modal will pop up where you can upload the JSON file.

    1. In the modal, you'll see an option to Drop your JSON file here to upload or click Choose file to select a file from your computer.

    2. Once the JSON file is selected, click Upload to proceed.

      • The system will process the file, and you can view the details and structure of the policies defined in the JSON.

Understanding policy structures

  • The structure of the policies is shown in the template below. (warning) Remove the following helper text

    • .... (elaborated under "Boolean expressions")

    • ... (elaborated under "Actions" section)

Policy template
  "name": "Name",
  "description": "Description",
  "isActive": true,
  "conditions": {
    "all": [ (elaborated under "Boolean expressions")
        "fact": "`emailAddress` or `headers` or `endpoint`", (elaborated under "Facts" section)
        "operator": "equal", (elaborated under "Operators" section)
        "value": "value"
  "actions": [ (elaborated under "Actions" section)

Next step

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