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Guard Dog for Jira

Overview of Guard Dog for Jira

Guard Dog for Jira enhances API and webhook monitoring within the Atlassian ecosystem, addressing challenges faced by organizations transitioning to the cloud environment.

It tracks API requests and webhook events, integrating seamlessly with enterprise tools like Splunk and Logstash for advanced monitoring and flexible log analysis. Insight cards, analysis charts, and dashboards offer clear visualizations of data, while future updates will include policies and automation to boost governance and security.

When to install Proxy vs. Relay

  • Proxy: Install Guard Dog Proxy for Jira when you need to monitor and log API requests, ensuring visibility into API activities and governance within your Atlassian environment. To proceed with the next steps, click the link Guard Dog Proxy for Jira below if this is your preference.

  • Relay: Install Guard Dog Relay for Jira when you need to track and manage webhook events, providing comprehensive logging, performance monitoring, and error tracking for webhook activities. Click the link Guard Dog Relay for Jira to continue if this is your preferred option.

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