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Integrating with third-party platforms for Proxy

Third-party integration is a premium feature and is not available on the default version of the app. To unlock this feature, please contact ServiceRocket Support for assistance.


Splunk is a powerful platform designed to handle large volumes of machine-generated data, such as logs, metrics, and events. It allows users to search, monitor, and analyze this data in real-time.

When integrating Splunk with Guard Dog Proxy for Jira, you can set up Splunk to receive time-stamped events through the HTTP Event Collector using the Splunk platform JSON event protocol. This integration enables you to monitor and analyze Jira REST API calls effectively.

While configuring the third-party app, ensure that you have created an HTTP Event Collector Token in Splunk Enterprise and have enabled data flow.

To establish a successful connection, ensure that you’ve pasted the generated token and your Splunk instance URL into the application configuration page .

Setting Up Splunk Integration

Refer to the Splunk Documentation or follow the steps below:

  1. Create an HTTP Event Collector Token in Splunk Enterprise. (This document about setting up and using the HTTP Event Collector may help):

    1. Have your Splunk instance ready.

    2. Navigate to the Settings menu

    3. Select Add Data to begin configuring the data you wish to send to Splunk

  2. Enable Data Flow:

    1. Choose Monitor to allow data to flow through your Splunk instance.

  3. Set up HTTP Event Collector:

    1. Navigate to the HTTP Event Collector section.

    2. Fill in the Name field for the new token.

    3. Click Next > Review, and click Submit to generate the token.

  4. Configure the application:
    In Guard Dog Proxy for Jira, navigate to Settings and scroll down to the Integrations section. Then, follow these steps:

    GDFJ Splunk integration 20241206.jpg

    1. Paste the token you created in step 3 into the Splunk API Token field.

    2. Enter your Splunk instance URL in the Splunk Instance URL field.

    3. Click Connect to establish the connection between your application and Splunk.

Testing the Integration

  1. Prepare the request:

    1. Go to settings, copy the proxy URL and add it to the requests that need monitoring.

      GDFJ Proxy URL simple 20241118.png

  2. Send the request via postman:

    1. Open Postman and send a request to the Jira REST API (e.g., GET issue) using the proxy API endpoint.

      GDFJ Postman settings adj 20241206.png

  3. Verify the log in Splunk:

    1. Check Splunk to confirm that the log for the Jira REST API call appears in the search results.


  4. Review proxy API logs:

    1. Access the API Proxy logs to ensure the Jira REST API call log is recorded correctly.

      GDFJ Proxy Logs 20241118.png


Logstash is an open-source data processing pipeline that collects, processes and forwards logs or other data types to various outputs. It often aggregates and transforms logs from different sources before sending them to systems like Elasticsearch, Splunk, or other databases for storage and analysis.

When integrating Logstash with Guard Dog Proxy for Jira, you need to configure Logstash to receive data from the Guard Dog Proxy for Jira settings page.

Enter the endpoint where your Logstash instance is configured to receive data and select the appropriate authentication method.

During configuration, ensure the data flow is correctly set up and the necessary credentials are provided if applicable. This setup allows for real-time data processing and supports a wide range of input, filter, and output plugins, making it highly versatile for managing log data.

Setting up Logstash integration

  1. Configuration

    GDFJ Proxy Logstash 20241118.png

    1. Navigate to Jira top menu Settings (⚙️)> Apps >Guard Dog Proxy for Jira

    2. Click Settings (⚙️)and find the Logstash section.

    3. Enter the endpoint where your Logstash instance is configured to receive data.

    4. Select the appropriate authentication method (e.g., None, Basic, Bearer) and provide the necessary credentials if applicable.

  2. Testing the integration

To test Logstash integration with Guard Dog Proxy for Jira, you can use Postman or similar to send a Jira REST API request via the Proxy API endpoint.

Beginner guide

To test the Logstash integration, you can follow these steps:

  1. Send a Request via Postman:

    • Open Postman and configure a request to the Jira REST API, such as a GET issue request.
      Use the Proxy API endpoint provided by Guard Dog Proxy for Jira to ensure the request is routed through the proxy.

  2. Verify Logstash processing:

    • Check your Logstash instance to confirm that it has received and processed the log data from the Jira REST API call.

    • Ensure that the data is correctly forwarded to the configured output, such as Elasticsearch or another database.

  3. Further log processing and visualization:

    • Utilize tools like Elasticsearch and Kibana to further process, store, and visualize the data received by Logstash.

    • Verify that the logs are correctly indexed and visualized in your chosen platform.

By following these steps, you can ensure that Logstash is correctly integrated and functioning as expected with Guard Dog Proxy for Jira.

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